Blog-Proj 11/14/21

Instructions for Accessing 24/7 Support

The allure of Robin Hood at its inception was that it is a commision-free investment application. This means that they don’t take a cut of profits when you cash-out your investment. This is incredibly important for the everyday individual who doesn’t have money to be paying additional fees to invest. What this has meant before the introduction of the 24/7 support system that you were on your own in terms of investment knowhow and advice, however that is no longer the case. If you have questions concerning things like recent orders, crypto and options you can select the area that you want to ask about. This then pulls up an additional menu asking you to pinpoint your concerns. Are you concerned that your position changed? Are you concerned that your order went through above the price you had in mind? Do you wondering how dividends work with the stock you have just bought? These are all questions that you can select to streamline your conversation with the support staff to be able to assist you better. If that wasn’t impressive enough you can also choose how you want to communicate, currently you can communicate verbally through a phone call or you can communicate through writing in an email chain. Once you select this option you are either put into a queue to get a call back (phone) or you are directed to write your email and once sent you should hear back by the end of the next trading day.
